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Managing change in the workplace

The human side of change: why it matters

Studies show that employee readiness and adaptability are critical to navigating change effectively. 

At Insights, we believe in championing change by focusing on what matters most: your people.

This is because ensuring the success of your change initiatives depends on your team’s ability to stay agile and ready to adapt. In fact, adaptability is currently recognized as the ‘top skill of the moment’, according to LinkedIn’s 2024 Most In-Demand Skills report.

Innovative solutions are key to 21st- century business success. Whether it’s navigating change management communication, addressing resistance to change, or managing both large and incremental shifts, organizations must constantly transform to stay relevant —making change management in the workplace essential.

A resistant and non-adaptive workforce can create significant roadblocks within an organization, leading to operational inefficiencies, missed opportunities and decreased productivity. This can then manifest as a persistent resistance to change, reduced morale and a stifled culture of innovation that can put your organization at a distinct competitive disadvantage.

Organizations must address these issues and foster a culture of continuous learning and open communication to empower their employees to adapt to new challenges swiftly and effectively.

So, how do we help companies embrace change? Our approach isn’t focused on change as a process- it’s centered on people.

At Insights, we prioritize supporting individuals and teams, because we believe that when people are ready, change follows naturally.


of change initiatives fail

"Companies that take time to identify and shift employee mindsets are 4x more likely to rate their change initiative as successful" McKinsey

Empower your organization to overcome resistance of change management and foster a culture of readiness today.

Get in touch to start your journey to transformation.

Managing change effectively

When you put your people at the centre when managing change in the workplace, it ensures that the process is more inclusive, empathetic, and aligned with human needs, which ultimately drives the success of the initiative. With our suite of solutions, we use the power of awareness to empower people to proactively navigate change rather than simply reacting to it.

For us, the key to successful change is the human element, so we look at how people are differently affected by change, including:

  • The psychology of change
  • The five steps to successful change management
  • Communicating change using the color energies
  • Stress factors during change

What does navigating change look like?

We support you in building resilience by focusing on your people, teams, and leaders. Our approach emphasizes agility, responsiveness, and a growth mindset, encouraging everyone to embrace learning and personal development. By addressing resistance to change management head-on, and recognizing that everyone’s potential is limitless, we help create an environment where your people are equipped to thrive amid constant change.

Starting with Insights Discovery, we tailor our approach to meet your unique challenges in managing organizational change and help your teams and leaders navigate it effectively. Whether you're facing a major transformation like a merger or dealing with smaller, incremental changes, our solutions are customized to address the specific pain points in your organization.

This isn't a quick fix or a ‘nice to have’– your organization needs an approach that addresses real challenges head-on. With a focus on agile change management, we ensure our methodologies are directly relevant to your teams and individuals.

The results

Our ecosystem of solutions helps your individuals, teams and leaders:


Understand and manage reactions to change


Communicate more effectively within teams, helping to sustain cohesion and productivity during times of change


Recognize and accept that others may react to change differently based on their personality preferences


Explore how people resist change and view these behaviors through a color lens

Let us help your business today, contact us now to start your journey.

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