Globala kontor
Visit this country's website Visa alla globala kontorEveryone taking part in Insights programmes undertakes the Insights Discovery Preference Evaluatorwhich translates their psychological preferences into colour energies and generates a unique personalised profile.
Accreditation specialist DNV GL, which conducts occupational testing under the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations framework, confirmed that the evaluator and its outputs have been recertified until 2023 following a review.
Insights research manager Alan Drummond said reviewers found the system particularly helpful for personal development because it generated results which were easy to discuss and share.
Insights has delivered enormous benefits for thousands of organisations and supported more than six million learners over more than 25 years.
Our in-depth accreditation process ensures all Insights practitioners can use our evaluator, memorable colour-based model and personalised profiles to help learners truly understand themselves and others, and inspire them to make a positive difference in everything they do.
We are very pleased to have received this significant recertification, which underlines the validity of our approach and shows why customers can have confidence in our programmes.
Insights Discovery holds a similar certification with the Psychological Testing Centre of the British Psychological Society. To learn more about the validity of our approach, please click here.