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Insight 08 September 2020

New product announcement: Our lighter-touch digital profile is here!

Today we’re delighted to introduce the long-awaited Insights Explore digital platform – the latest in our broad portfolio of development tools. After several months of design and research in close collaboration with a panel of our customers, we’ve created a product that addresses a gap for many organisations – how to develop the core soft skills of large employee groups in a sustainable and accessible way.

Insights Explore is what many customers proposed as the solution to this challenge. It lets learners enjoy a lighter-touch version of the popular Insights Discovery Personal Profile in a fully digital format, removing the need for classroom-based, instructor-led sessions. Being a learner-led tool Insights Explore lets people ‘explore’ their colour energy preferences, and what they mean for their actions and interactions in the workplace. They can access this learning on-the-go as they need it on any device, and even access videos and other resources to show them how to apply the learning in real situations.

Insights' Customer and Digital Director, Ross Esplin explains more:

Our customers told us that they wanted to extend the impact of Insights Discovery and the colour energy language into teams that wouldn’t always have access to this type of development. Their challenges were all around providing a lighter-touch experience for large scale frontline and seasonal staff which delivers value, is cost effective, and also time efficient. It’s hard, for example, to take large customer service teams away for training, especially when you only have two or three trainers to support a whole organisation.
Insights Explore provides a simple introduction to the language of colour, via bite-sized digital experiences, so that new groups of learners can access it without the need for a trainer. As a lighter-touch profile, it’s also lower cost per learner, meaning our customers can extend it to these types of larger groups and still keep within budget.
With a blend of Insights Discovery and Insights Explore, customers can now invest in the personal development of their entire organisation and extend the positive impact from using colour energy language throughout. With an increased level of self-awareness across the organisation, individual, team and leadership effectiveness becomes even more evident.

Our existing customers will know that all of our products have self-awareness at their core. Self-awareness is the foundation on which many other workplace skills are built; skills like effective communication, showing up well and overcoming conflict. Built from the global personality assessment, Insights Discovery, the Insights Explore digital tool applies the same validated psychology and engaging four colour language to develop people and teams.

It aims to bring self-awareness to groups of people who would benefit greatly from knowing more about themselves – and we’ve designed it to be specifically relevant to entry-level and front-line employees. These employees – perhaps apprentices, graduates, retail or hospitality workers – can use their Insights Explore tool to show up more positively in the workplace, for their managers, team mates and customers, and to feel more confident in the skills they bring and value they add.

Some customers have already started working with Insights Explore, and they’ve told us:

Explore was simple to use. It was intuitive and easy to understand what I need to do.

I’ve shared my profile internally so that people understand me better and how I prefer to communicate so that we can have more successful outcomes and conversations.

As a manager it will help me manage my team better and help me manage conversations with my customers.

While Insights Explore can provide a great entry point for front-line and entry-level workers, we’re still committed to providing the very best in instructor-led skills development through Insights Discovery. Insights Explore offers a self-led, light-touch introduction, but Insights Discovery offers a highly personalised group experience with a much deeper level of learning. What works really well in the employee lifecycle is for learners to transition from Explore to Insights Discovery as they progress within their organisation and need richer opportunities for self-development.

We’re excited about this new product and the chance it provides to make a positive difference for even more learners across the globe as part of a growing portfolio. We’re also grateful to our customer panel for helping us at every stage of development to make sure it’s the right solution for the very real challenges faced by today’s organisations.

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