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Insights Discovery experience for HR and L&D experts

For decades, Insights has specialised in giving people a deep insight into their personal preferences. We help people to perform at their highest level by improving their understanding of themselves. People can then easily adapt and connect with others, which leads to workplaces where innovation, creativity and productivity thrive.

During the Insights Aha!-experience, you will get a first insight and experience what it feels like to use Insights Discovery in your daily business within the framework of a personal Insights Discovery experience. You will receive your personal preference profile and valuable information to discover which situations bring out the best in you and which tend to be challenging. We provide you with solutions on how to manage them more effectively in the future by knowing your preferences and values.

As an insight into solutions for organisational and human resource development - our Individual Insights Experience is the opportunity to learn about the direct impact yourself as well as to discover possibilities for sustainable change.

Discover for your company:

  • how individual preferences influence how you interact with others and make decisions.
  • how to further cultivate your strengths and use relevant cues for your own development.
  • what prevents as well as enables effective communication.
  • how to lead team members more effectively and motivate them by recognising and addressing preferences.
  • how you can use our solutions to further develop employees, teams and managers.

Exclusively for HR and L&D experts: Fee incl. personal Insights Discovery Personal Profile 450 CHF. In case of a subsequent cooperation this charge will get credited.

If you are interested, please fill out this form. We are pleased to contact you to arrange an appointment.

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