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How Nzime successfully scaled while protecting its culture with Insights


In 2019, Nzime had just launched a new five-year plan for growth.

But with the advent of lockdown and the sudden demand for digital services, they were forced to hire, scale and revamp operations – tasks that usually take years - in a matter of months.

But how does a creative agency rapidly scale without losing its culture or commoditising its specialised services? Retention was a key priority.


Nzime’s leadership team led the way and became the first group to collectively experience the power of an Insights Discovery workshop and The Discovering Leadership Effectiveness programme.

Momentum grew as each team went through Insights Discovery. Development and creative personnel experienced Insights Discovery and Discovering Team Effectiveness, and the account management team also experienced the Discovering Sales Effectiveness programme.


Nzime experienced an increase in engagement, sales and inspired leadership.

It changed how teams collaborate and dissolved communication barriers between functions. It fostered psychological safety so employees could approach development opportunities openly, courageously and with a growth mindset.

Download the full Nzime case study today

The profiling highlighted aspects that resonated with me and helped me better understand my personality and the impact that had on communication, decision-making and relationship building. It also gave me a greater self-awareness of identifying other

Oliver Cox

Senior Frontend Developer

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